0.2.8 βˆ™ πŸͺ & 🐞

W W D C week. WWDC adjustments. Plus some support for HTTP cookies as well as two rather major bug fixes.

Well, I guess we are not supposed to talk about specific WWDC changes. So lets leave it at this: This release should work with the lastest stuff w/o extra modifications. Make sure to use the same Swift version in and Swift ( works in both, Swift 0.2.x and 0.3.x, but you may need to change the project to the version you use, e.g. in here).

There was a major bug in the Swift 2.2 build for Linux. The examples would just crash instead of working beautifully. This should be fixed now, it was due to an API difference in the Swift 2 libdispatch mapping on Linux. Speaking about libdispatch, the official master branch seems to be in flux and doesn’t seem to compile properly. Until this is back to a working state, we switched to a snapshot.

Changes in 0.2.8

  • Update to Swift 3.0 Preview 1 & 2.3
  • xcconfig
    • link against the latest iOS/macOS SDK (was 10.11)
    • within the Xcode beta, use Swift 2.3
    • enable whole-module optimization for release builds
    • set migration flags in Xcode project
    • make run works again within the Samples (fixed LD_LIBRARY_PATH)
  • xsys module
    • no more rand, rewrite stuff to use arc4random_uniform
      • and a hack imp of arc4random_uniform for Linux, which doesn’t export it
    • time_t extensions got bitz of documentation, added init(utc:)
    • export strchr
  • events module
    • major fix in processing once events
  • fs module
    • fix for consistent GCD crash when using Swift 2.x on Linux
  • http module
    • added Cookies class which can be used to read and write cookies
    • httpd-cookies example to demonstrate the use of that
  • connect module
    • new cookieParser middleware (access via req.cookies["x"])
    • a very simple session middleware, the express-simple example has a small click-counter demo for this

Compiling against in an Xcode workspace

There is a step-by-step guide on using an Xcode workspace to compile your own project against

This is just a headz-up on the Key tumbling stone: Remember to adjust the Build Configuration name. as a cross-platform project uses AppKitDebug, AppKitRelease, UIKitDebug etc, The Xcode default is just Debug and Release. If that doesn’t match, Xcode won’t find the libraries.

Getting the stuff

Well, as usual, head over to GitHub and checkout the master branch or fetch the 0.2.8 tag. Happz nozing!

P.S.: Excited about Friday morning? Is it going to be amazing or just enterprisy-blue? 😁


Written on June 16, 2016